Friday, December 19, 2008

First full day @ home

Wednesday afternoon William fell off a rocking toy at school and broke his left femur. We ended up at Vanderbilt and he had a spica cast put on that night around 11 pm. He didn't really sleep that night. He had muscle spasms and would wake up crying every 2-3 minutes. Finally the next morning after a dose of morphine he slept for several hours and spent a lot of the day in and out sleep. He was still twitching and crying but the frequency was decreasing.

Today was our first full day home from the hospital. He slept okay last night. The first half of the night he woke every half hour but then the second half we put him in my bed and he slept only waking once. We did wake up around 2am to change his diaper and give him some more pain medication.

He was in a fair mood this morning but still wasn't eating. He did give in and ate some cheese and crackers. I really didn't want to give him cheese because his lack of any bowel movement. I was just so happy he was eating. He mainly watched cartoons all day and did a little coloring. He didn't eat anything for lunch, but continued to drink juice. We all laid down around 1pm and didn't get up until 5pm. I think we all needed the rest. Even poor JT (William's twin brother) slept that long. JT is having a hard time too. At first he was a little scared of the cast, although now he will touch it and seems a little curious. He is jealous though and demanding attention from mommy.

Tonight William went to sleep with no fussing at all. I did have to lay with him until he was a sleep but there was less twitching and no crying. We will still continue to wake up once every night to change his diaper, we don't want any leaky diapers in the cast.

Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the pain will continue to subside for him.

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