Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Two week follow-up

So we headed back to the doctor for William's two week follow-up and of course I forgot his blanket which has been his comfort through all this. I won't forget it ever again. He must of remembered them cutting his cast the previous week because he was upset as soon as we set foot in the office. Then as we headed back to x-ray he was freaking out and screaming for his blankie...(bad mommy). His x-ray did not look much different then the previous week, but the doctor seemed okay with it. He was more concerned about the rash he had the previous week. If that had not gotten better they would have possibly re-casted him. Next week if the bone has shifted at all they may have to put on another cast but he doesn't think he'll have to. He did seem to think his leg was going to be shorter and he would limp. I hate thinking about him limping but I don't think he'll even notice...I bet it won't even slow him down.

Our major hurtle as of late has been constipation. The nurse yesterday said to try prune juice, so we started that today. They say that because of the lack of physical movement he can get stopped up. Poor thing he cries and says poopy, it's a battle every time.

His mood has been good and JT has really started interacting with him which is awesome. I am going to try to start bringing him to the daycare on monday for half a day to see how he does. I don't see him making it a whole day but hopefully he can tolerate it some because I need to work to make some money. The doctor said that as long as I was there to change him and be available for him that he didn't see it being a problem.

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